The automotive and mobility industry is experiencing profound disruption, as critical trends guarantee to reshape the way companies operate. To succeed, companies will need to transform many of their products and services, with a renewed focus on customers and technology. They must rethink how technology moves from being a business enabler, to providing a competitive advantage. The companies that make this transition the quickest, with the least friction, are well placed to gain market share and increase their return on investment. Those that don’t transform will cease to exist. Digital Dealership can support the building and execution of a strategy to secure sustainable profitability in a rapidly evolving global market.
Digital Dealership has been operating in the automotive and mobility sector for 30+ years, working closely with vehicle manufacturers, suppliers, dealers, technology companies and mobility service providers, to develop innovative digital strategies and deliver excellent customer experiences. Digital Dealership is currently working alongside multiple software providers exploring AI, automation, consumer engagement, connected cars, electrification, digital currencies, telematics, and vehicle sharing.